Do you need an urgent EPC? Why you need to shop local for speed.

It happens all the time, certainly every other day, we get a call from an often panic sounding seller telling us they’re just about to complete on their sale and their agent or solicitor has just informed them that there isn’t an EPC in place and everything suddenly grinds to a halt prompting the call.

Getting an EPC tends by virtue to be left to the last minute for those selling homes or getting new tenants. It’s perfectly understandable as there are so many other things to remember when you are selling or letting a property that the EPC slips down the list of things to do, until you end up stuck trying to find a surveyor at the last minute.

For some large national companies it’s just simply not feasible to accommodate urgent requests as they often have to auction out the work to the lowest bidder (which has many potential pitfalls and best left for another blog) but the toing and froing that involves simply takes time that you don’t have. The other option lies with local assessors who we’d always recommend but many stretch themselves far too thinly and then inevitably both quality and flexibility suffers meaning again that your urgent request goes unheeded.

But the good news is that at NN Home Energy Surveys we are different. We are locally based EPC assessors - covering all of Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes but we always have flexibility built into our diary such as leaving a minimum of two appointments a day (morning & afternoon) free so that we can accommodate urgent EPC requests. That means that when our customers are looking for fast turnarounds for their certificates, we are in a position to try and accommodate you:

  • We offer flexible bookings – Whilst we can’t always promise your first choice time slot, we will do our best to get an assessor with you the same day if required. It is slightly more difficult during the winter as we need daylight to conduct our surveys so late afternoons and evenings are more difficult but we are happy to offer early morning slots and we are open Saturdays for those that are around at weekends.

  • We turn EPCs around quickly – We are one of the very few companies who aim to have your EPC delivered to you on the same day as the survey is carried out which is crucial if you are waiting to complete your sale. Remember, it is really important that any information we request is available to help avoid any potential delays.

  • We use in-house assessors – We only ever use our own assessors to complete our surveys, which means we won’t let you down by relying on sub-contractors like many of our competitors and we have absolute control over the quality of the EPC survey and the customer service that we offer you. With us the job gets done properly.

  • We offer flexible payment – As with many other EPC providers, we do ask that we receive payment before issuing the EPC on the register, but what we can do is offer a lot of options with regards payment methods. We can take BACS payment via invoice, card payment or cash/ cheque on the day.

  • No extra cost for expedited EPCs – Because we know that you want your EPCs fast, we don’t charge any extra for an expedited service; we will just try our very best to accommodate our valued customers.

    To book your EPC please call us on 07851 957628 or use our ‘contact us’ page and we will come back to you as soon as possible.


Looking for a cheap EPC? If it looks too good to be true it is.


Wondering why your EPC rating might be low? Read here to find out.